Big Brother 25: A Confirmed “Live Move-in Premier”


Yes, Big Brother has confirmed a live move-in premiere on Wednesday, July 26 at 9:00 that will reflect on the series and also give you a chance to hear from several important players over the years.

We now have official confirmation that the Season 25 premiere will be a live move-in special. This means that we will get to spend 90 minutes seeing the Houseguests enter the house and compete in their first contests.

Just the perfect way for us to get to know the houseguests better. Don’t you think so? Also, this gives us another night of another season of live feeds from the first night of the game.

This is going to be very interesting for we are going to see the the full context behind early alliances, dynamics between Houseguests, and everything else that happens in the first few nights.

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