Big Brother 25 Schedule Plus Some Major Mid-season Changes


The show is set to start on Wednesday 2 August next month which is about 2 weeks from now however the Big Brother 25 schedule changes this fall.

Big Brother will air at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. As in previous years, it will begin with a live move-in special and run on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and eventually Sundays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern for at least the first month or so.

However, when the season’s late September and early October period arrives, CBS plans to move the Thursday episodes an hour earlier to 8 p.m. to accommodate Survivor and The Amazing Race airing on Wednesdays, and then switch the Wednesday episodes to Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Then on Sundays, while NFL is running, the show is going to air at 10 p.m.

Despite the current changes, the show remains as incredible as it has always been, and who knows what it is going to have in stock for us we will make sure to always remind you of these changes.

What are your thoughts on these changes?

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