Big Brother 25 will Apparently Still Have Live Feeds


Yes, there will still be live feeds for Big Brother 25 despite Big Brother Canada’s shocking decision to do away with them.

Big Brother Canada shocked viewers with its decision to do away with its 24/7 live feeds for its previous 11th season, which premiered March 8 on Global. The Production instead of giving live feeds shifted to something called Digital Dailies which instead of airing live, were posted throughout the week. The Digital Dailies were uncut content from inside the BBCAN house, offering viewers an extended peek into the houseguests’ lives.”

However, according to Entertainment Weekly, CBS announced that the Big Brother live feeds will be returning this summer. “According to a source close to production, there are no plans to change the live feed offerings for viewers of the American Big Brother when the show returns for its landmark 25th season this summer”.

One of the key aspects that set Big Brother apart from other reality competition shows is its live feeds. EW also stated that the live feeds not only increase social media interest and engagement but have also caused an increase in Paramount+ subscribers.

The Big Brother live feeds are the main source for spoilers and are exciting to watch because they feature unrestricted footage of the houseguests. Also, the results of contests that houseguests win throughout the week are invariably made public on the live streams.

For those who were worried that Big Brother Canada 11 walking away from live feeds could affect Big Brother 25 well, worry less for we will get to enjoy all the showmance and whatever the show has in stock for us.

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