Big Brother 25 Scheduled To Premier August


What do you think of Big Brother’s late season debut? A July without Big Brother? That’s going to be weird, I suppose. In any case, stick with us for the BB25 fun because we will be here all day long covering the season.

CBS has already officially announced the Big Brother 25 debut date scheduled for August 2023! To celebrate the show’s silver anniversary, CBS goes so far as to promise “a season full of twists, turns, and throwbacks to the last 24 seasons.”

The first episode of Big Brother 25 will air for a special 90-minute season premiere on Wednesday, August 2, 2023.We’ll be watching new episodes every Thursday (9 PM ET/PT), Sunday (8 PM ET/PT), and Wednesday (8 PM ET/PT) after the Wednesday night premiere.

Although the Big Brother 25 season finale is yet to be scheduled, it is most likely to occur in late October. So let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy all the fun and twists this season has  for us.

Be sure to join us on Facebook:@Big Brother US and Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update.


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