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Cirie Fields claims that ‘Big Brother’ requires more mental strength than ‘Survivor.’

photo credit – CBS

Big Brother and Survivor have similar social aspects to their games with very different mechanics. Survivor seems harder since the cast has to completely fend for themselves on an island. They might get food or tools in a reward challenge, but that’s it.

Survivor also has an immunity challenge where a person or tribe wins safety and the rest who aren’t immune go to the Tribal Council and vote someone out. This repeats until the finale where a jury votes for the season’s winner who gets $1 million.

On the other hand, Big Brother usually starts with every houseguest playing for themselves for Head of Household (HoH), a Veto competition to give houseguests a chance to change plus a live eviction where everyone besides the HoH votes to evict someone on the block. This repeats until the jury votes for someone to win.

During the Live Feeds on September 17 when Cirie, Cory Wurtenberger, America Lopez, Cameron Hardin, and Bowie Jane hung out in the backyard. Cirie answered questions they asked about her time competing on separate shows.

Cory said his brother, Zach Wurtenberger revealed you form opinions about other people based on the tiniest interactions. “And they’re all wrong,” Cirie replied. Cory said the Survivor 42 cast was shocked when Zach was voted out because winner Marianne Oketch talked about him three days straight. “Where does this fall on the intensity?” Cory asked Cirie. “Way! Like 1000 and that was the scale of one to 10” Cirie answered. “It’s not like that. I keep telling people. I don’t think they believe me but it’s nowhere near. I don’t know if it’s because you can’t get away.”

Cirie explained the Survivor producers don’t care what the cast does. So castaways can sleep all day, go to the other side of the island, or not game at all. That risk is for them to take. But houseguests are woken up every day to music. They’re confined to the house, and sometimes they don’t have access to the backyard because a competition is being set up.

The length of the game is also a factor. “We’ve already burned through like two seasons right?” Cameron asked. “With the new format three,” Cirie answered implying that Big Brother requires more mental strength than Survivor.

We shall be covering the latest updates on Survivor 45 be sure to join us on our Facebook page @SurvivorFanz, and Facebook group @SurvivorFanz for the latest updates.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25: Here’s everything you need to know about the “BB Zombies” twist


Soon after Jared Fields was voted out of Big Brother 25, just minutes after his fellow HG Cameron Hardin had faced the same fate, both were brought together on stage to learn about the newest Big Brother twist, Big Brother Zombies as part Scary Week here in Week 8 of BB25.

So what does this twist even mean? Well, here’s everything you need to know about the Zombie twist on Big Brother, including who it affects, how long it lasts, and what it involves.

What is the “BB Zombie” twist on Big Brother 25?

The “BB Zombie” twist was introduced during the Double Eviction episode on Thursday, September 21. At the end of the hour, it was explained that the two evicted houseguests would re-enter the house for the next week. At the end of seven days, one would get the chance to “resurrect their game,” while the other would be eliminated for good. Julie Chen Moonves delivered the news to Cameron and Jared explainig:

Tonight kicks off Scary Week and nothing could be more horrifying to your former housemates than the two of you returning to the house as “Big Brother Zombies.” For the next week you will be living in the house and one of you will be resurrecting your game. And you’ll find out more about that later tonight when you do return to the house.

Who is involved in the “BB Zombie” twist on Big Brother 25?

Our “zombies” for the week are Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields. Both men were sent out during the double eviction, Cameron on Jared’s HoH, and Jared soon after by the rest of the house sans his mom Cirie Fields. So, by next Thursday, one of them will have returned to the game.

How will the “BB Zombie” twist work on Big Brother 25?

At the time of this writting, the actual format of the “BB Zombie” twist has not been formalized to the fans. However, from picking up what Cameron, Jared, and the houseguests have been told, it seems like it will involve a competition played by one of the “zombies” next Thursday. If that person wins, they re-enter the game. If they lose, the other person re-enters. Additionally, there seem to be some other competitions peppered throughout the week to determine who will be the one playing in that final challenge.

How does the “BB Zombie” twist affect the upcoming episodes of Big Brother 25?

Greatly! This upcoming week will not have any of the events of a normal week of Big Brother. There will be no Head of Household, nominees, veto winner, or even eviction. Instead, the Sunday episode will feature Cameron and Jared’s return to the house, and everyone’s reactions. The typical Wednesday episode has been eliminated due to the return of Survivor and The Amazing Race. And the Thursday episode will feature at least some of these competitions Cameron and Jared will be taking part in, as well as the final one to determine who is re-entering the game.

Who will re-enter the game on Big Brother 25?

Please check back here on our site as more competitions play out over the week to figure out who stands the best chance of returning to the game.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Cameron & Jared returned to the house and one is out for revenge

Jared and Cameron on Big Brother 25 -CBS

Cameron and Jared are zombies and the “Big Brother 25” house is is purgatory because they’re never making jury at this point. Only two people have been evicted in the past four weeks and the Pressure Cooker and double eviction were basically pointless this season. And now we’re just stalling to get to 100 days with no comps. It’s gonna be a long week, especially with Jared on the warpath.

ALSO READ: ‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 22 Recap: Which Two Houseguests Were Eliminated During Double Eviction?

The zombies did indeed return to the house Thursday night and Jared was not happy, as you might’ve expected. When the feeds returned, he was interrogating Matt along with Cirie. Way to make it even more obvious you’re a duo. Part of Jared’s downfall was his obliviousness and the condescending tone with which he speaks to people. He’s still acting like he’s HOH here when he has no power at all and might not even return to the game. He told Matt he had multiple chances to target him but didn’t yet Matt took his first shot at Jared. Yeah, he’s playing the game. After Jared left, Matt told Cirie that he didn’t use the Veto to protect her because she would’ve gone up.

Jared, of course, is also upset with Blue for not warning him that he was being targeted. Would he have believed her had she said anything? Probably not, considering how flippantly he dismisses his mom’s own (correct) reads. Blue’s defense was that she thought this was going to be a regular week, not a double eviction, so she didn’t have time to warn him. It was a lot of talking in circles, but Jared told her he respects her doing her own thing but he also wishes she had listened to him.

Cameron’s return was much more low-key since he had expected his eviction. Cory and Jag discussed how it might be better for Cameron to return to the game instead, and Jag pointed out that Cameron wanted to work with them. How the tables have turned.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 22 Recap: Which Two Houseguests Were Eliminated During Double Eviction? [UPDATING LIVE BLOG]


Heading into the Week 7 live episode of “Big Brother 25,” the houseguests had no idea they were about to experience their first double eviction of the season. (Although some of them suspected.) Up first was the elimination of either Cameron Hardin or America Lopez, and that would be followed by a Head of Household competition, nominations ceremony, Veto challenge, Veto meeting and second eviction — all LIVE for viewers’ enjoyment! So how did it all play out on Thursday night?

Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 22 recap/live blog to find out what happened on Thursday, September 21 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.

8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 21st episode, Cory and America played their hearts out in the foot-themed Veto competition, because they needed one of them to come off the block to avoid being broken up. Ultimately it was Jag that persevered, and he chose to save Cory. That meant Jared had to replace him, and he named his biggest competition, Cameron. Will Cameron be going home first tonight? And who will soon be following him out the door? Let’s go!

8:01 p.m. – Julie hinted at a “terrifying twist” coming from the Scary-verse at the end of the episode, but first… the double eviction. Following his nomination as Jared’s replacement, Cameron knew that his narrative had to be getting people to see how solid America and Cory are as a pair and that keeping him in the house to win comps and target the other threats is an option.

8:03 p.m. – Mecole spoke with Cirie about their need to stick together because the group forming between Jag, Matt, Blue, America and Cory was becoming concerning. Meanwhile, Blue was checking in with Matt again about their alliance’s need to nominate Jared. Blue made it clear that she’s not going to nominate Jared this early if she wins. That was a red flag for Matt and thinks that if she wins it could be a problem for their alliance.

8:05 p.m. – A message from the Scary-verse arrived in the house warning the houseguests of something, but the “broken transmission” was missing a ton of letters that made understanding the warning difficult. Cameron remembered that last time there was a transmission like this it was during his HOH and the nominees didn’t go home. It worried everyone else in the house that this might be a way for Cameron to save himself.

8:07 p.m. – Julie spoke with the houseguests early in the evening to let them know about the night’s plans. As the start of “Scary Week,” Julie told them it’s time for the live double eviction and that two of them will be evicted by the end of the evening. First, the current nominees Cameron and America got a chance to plead for their spot in the house. America joyfully called everyone snakes because it’s been a dream come true for her. Cameron said he loves everyone in the house and asked they keep in “on the train” with them all.

8:09 p.m. – The houseguests cast their votes to evict: Matt for Cameron, Bowie for Cameron, Cirie for “Cameron and his hair,” Mecole for Cameron, Jag for Cameron, Cory for Cameron, Julie for Cameron, and Blue for Cameron. By another unanimous vote, Julie confirmed that Cameron was evicted from the house.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7 Votes:

  • Matt votes to evict: Cameron
  • Bowie Jane votes to evict: Cameron
  • Cirie votes to evict: Cameron “and his hair”
  • Mecole votes to evict: Cameron
  • Jag votes to evict: Cameron
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Cory votes to evict: Cameron
  • Felicia votes to evict: Cameron
  • Blue votes to evict: Cameron

By a vote of 8-0, Cameron Hardin has been evicted from Big Brother.

8:13 p.m. – Cameron sarcastically told Julie that he was shocked he was evicted, but he actually understood that the house was targeting him. He went on to say that his back was against the wall the whole game and that the whole experience has been unforgettable. But before she dismissed him, Julie called Cameron a “Big Brother zombie” and that his game isn’t dead because it’s “undead.”

We’ll jump to this quickly – One eviction down, one more to go. “But First,” we need a new Head of Household! Our first sneak peek is a Knockout style HOH comp.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 HOH:

  • Round 1: Mecole vs Bowie Jane – Mecole is right
  • Round 2: Blue vs Felicia – Blue is right
  • Round 3: Jag vs Cirie – Cirie is right
  • Round 4: Matt vs Cirie – Matt is wrong
  • Round 5: Cory vs Cirie – Cirie is wrong
  • Round 6: America vs Blue – America is wrong
  • Round 7: Mecole vs Blue – Cory is right
  • Round 8: Cory vs Blue – Cory is right

Cory wins HOH!

The new Head of Household will send two HGs to the Block after a quick discussion with allies as the HGs race back inside to the living room and announce the decision.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Nominations:

8:26 p.m. – Right away Cory asked Blue if she’d be willing to go up as a pawn, but she pleaded that he nominate Jared and Cirie outright instead. Later, he asked Jag what he thinks and they decided they should nominated Jared and Blue so that if Blue wins veto she can’t remove Jared. When Jared got his chance to speak to Cory there wasn’t much to say.

  • Nominees are: Jared and Blue

Cory said it’s a shot he doesn’t want to take, but one he “absolutely has to take.”

Now one chance for securing safety and escaping this next eviction. Who will win the Power of Veto?

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Power of Veto:

8:37 p.m. – Along with Cory, Blue, and Jared, Mecole, Matt and Jag were randomly drawn to compete in the Power of Veto Competition for the chance to remove one of the nominees if they so choose. In the comp, each player had to race to a pit to find three items first. Jared and Matt were the first players back with an item, but Cory found two and remained in the pit to find his third. Matt found his second first and after Jared also found his second, Matt retrieved his third and won the competition.

  • Veto winner is Matt!

Will the medallion rescue someone from the Block? Could we get another Backdoor this round?

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • With the POV in his hands, Matt made the decision to keep nominations the same, leaving Jared and Blue on the block as the house options for the second eviction.

Then here we go with the second vote of the night. Seven votes and no chance of a tiebreaker this time around.

Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Votes:

  • Matt votes to evict: Jared
  • Bowie Jane votes to evict: Jared
  • Cirie votes to evict: Blue
  • Felicia votes to evict: Jared
  • Mecole votes to evict: Jared
  • that’s enough votes
  • America votes to evict: Jared
  • Jag votes to evict: Jared

Julie announced that by a 6-1 vote, Jared was the second evicted houseguest of the night. When with Jared, Julie brought Cameron out and informed both of them that they’d be returning to the house later tonight living in “as zombies” with one of them getting the chance to “resurrect their game.” To us, Julie explained that there will be NO Head of Household, NO Noms, and NO Power of Veto. Next Thursday one of the two will be returning to the game. (Also, there will be NO Wednesday episode…)

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Blue reveals her game plan to Big Brother Camera

BB25 Blue photo credit – CBS

Blue took full use of the opportunity to communicate to the live streams while in the HOH Room and confessed her game strategy to the Big Brother live feed cameras on Wednesday night.

During her confession, Blue has even noted that she will turn on Jared at some point, even though the moment hasn’t come yet and her showmance with Jared has had its ups and downs.

Fans wondering why Blue is still with Jared may have learned some clues from her camera talk and it might be just a matter of time until Blue can make her big move in the game.

“Why would I get him out of the house when he is a good number for me,” Blue states.

“He’ll take shots at people for me. Like, eventually, I’m gonna want Cory out, right? Eventually, I’m gonna want Jag out. Eventually, I’m gonna want Matt out,” Blue elaborated.

Besides all this, Blue also states that her romantic relationship with Jared is real. The latest episode of Big Brother also shows how Jared speaks to Blue, giving CBS viewers more insight into their relationship.

We can only wait to see how all plays out during the Double Eviction show tonight.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25’s Julie Chen weighs in on Jared and Cirie’s situation

photo credit – CBS

If you have been watching the Live feeds, we all know that Cirie has been controlling most of the game and we would say even most evictions are due to her influence over fellow houseguests.

During the season’s premiere, Jared appeared to be playing the game alone but at the end of the episode, Cirie was revealed as the 17th houseguest and since then, Cirie and Jared have secretly been keeping each other safe plus their secret.

Though some houseguests like Blue whom Jared hinted that he is related to someone in the house and Mecole whom he also accidentally told about his secret, Izzy is the only person who knew that they were related because she recognized Cirie from Survivor.

Now, Big Brother fans have debated whether or not Cirie would be doing better without her son in the house. Several times, Cirie has had to clean up messes that Jared created, possibly putting her own game at risk.

But having someone she can count on is an advantage to the game. Red Utley even called the show “rigged” for Cirie to win the $750,000 prize. On the other side of the coin, Cirie hasn’t won a single challenge on Big Brother 25, and maybe she is only surviving due to Jared winning two HOH Competitions.

During Julie Chen’s segment on Watch What Happens Live episode on Bravo, host Andy Cohen asked Julie a fan question about Jared and Cirie.

“Julie, do you think Cirie’s son Jared’s gameplay is helping or hurting Cirie?” Andy asked.

Julie stated that Jared is helping this week because he wins challenges. By becoming HOH again, Jared likely kept Cirie from being nominated plus “If he could win more challenges & stop talking…great!”

What are your thoughts on this, do you think he has been helping his mom more than she has helped her? Leave a comment below! Also, do not miss out on the Double Eviction episode tonight.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Tonight’s episode on ‘Big Brother 25’ will include: Live Double Eviction & the return of ‘Scaryverse’


It’s Double Eviction Day on Big Brother 25! The remaining eleven Houseguests are about to undergo a compressed week of Big Brother squeezed into just one hour starting at 8/7c on CBS and we’re here ready for it.

Well, going into tonight’s ‘Live Double Eviction’ eposide, there’s just no way around for this week’s target. Cameron Hardin has put up a strong and lasting fight to keep his game alive, but its run comes to an end tonight.

Eight votes are out there and that means Jared could get involved for a tiebreaker, but we’re not seeing that happen. So lets expect another unanimous vote in full to send Cameron out and back home. Well, unless there’s a Battle Back about to hit this season.

Yesterday the HGs were receiving cryptic messages about “zombies” from the Scaryverse. What’s a zombie? It’s something back from the dead… sort of like an evicted HG, right? Who knows and maybe that’s a reach. We know the evicted HGs so far have been sent home and aren’t eligible to return since they know too much, but what about tonight’s two evictees facing off for a chance to return to the game? Possible. Never know!

About Tonight’s Double Eviction

Once that first vote between Cameron and America is done the remaining HGs will be sent racing to the backyard to prepare for what has to be a short HOH competition. That means a Q&A in all likelihood. That winner will dash back inside, make a few quick discussions, and then name two HGs for the Block.

And just like in any week, those two HGs plus the HOH will then draw three chips to set the stage for the Power of Veto competition. Back out we go to the yard! It’ll be another mad dash to the finish line before hustling back to the living room for a Veto decision to set us up for the final noms for the second eviction vote of the night.

There are so many ways this can go but note that Jared will be on the sidelines for the HOH comp. If he gets nominated then obviously he’ll be playing for Veto. Jared is a top target for most but we don’t think most would be prepared to send him to the Block. We could see several HGs tanking their HOH performance to avoid being put in that position which only ups the odds for Cirie winning which obviously keeps Jared safe.

We’ll be watching for the Feeds to return after the show because there will be a second HOH overnight to set us up for Week 8 and then will post the spoilers here on our site. So stick around with us for all the spoiler details!

What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Houseguests most likely to survive tonight’s ‘Double Eviction’


Tonight ‘Big Brother 25’ will have its first ‘Double Eviction’ of the season and there are some houseguests who are in a better position to survive it than others.

Wait, So what happens on a Double Eviction night? Well, first and foremost, we should note that during a Big Brother double eviction event, the first eviction takes place as usual. Then, a week’s worth of Big Brother is played in one night as Julie Chen Moonves hosts the Head of Household, Nominations and Power of Veto competitions, followed by the Power of Veto ceremony and the second eviction. The second eviction is fast-paced and harrowing, as the HGs are often shocked by it and have little time to prepare.

So which houseguests are most likely to survive the week? Read on to find out with our spoilers below!

  • Matt Klotz and Jag Bains have a good chance of surviving the double eviction because of their competitive prowess and alliances.
  • Mecole Hayes and Bowie Jane are likely to be safe during the double eviction because they haven’t been involved in the drama and haven’t won any competitions.
  • Cirie Fields and Jared Fields are in a vulnerable position for the double eviction as the houseguests have turned against them, and Jared can’t play in the Head of Household competition.

Throughout Big Brother season 25 so far, the houseguests have flip-flopped with their votes. Cirie Fields has been a mastermind at getting people to vote how she wants. However, this past week, the houseguests made a last-minute switch from evicting Felicia Cannon to Izzy Gleicher after America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger convinced the rest of the house that evicting Izzy was their best move to weaken Cirie and Jared Fields. In a double eviction, though, there will be almost no time for anyone to use their power of persuasion to change people’s minds. Here’s who has the best chance of surviving the double eviction.

  • Matt Klotz

Not only is Matt Klotz a fierce competitor, but he’s one of the most-liked houseguests. Although he’s working with many different people, his allegiance seems to be to his Final 2 alliance with Jag Bains, called The Minutemen. Matt won the Power of Invincibility and wasn’t afraid to use it to save Jag after he was unanimously evicted. He’s cool under pressure, which could help him win the HOH or Power of Veto competitions during the double eviction. Even if he doesn’t win, he doesn’t seem to be anyone’s number one target right now.

  • Jag Bains

Although Jag has been nominated three times this season, he’s managed to avoid being eliminated. He even returned to the competition after being evicted unanimously when Matt used the Power of Invincibility to save him. Jag has won two Power of Veto competitions, and works very well under pressure. Jag doesn’t seem to be a big target this week, but he’s always been someone who’s been on other houseguests’ radar. However, because he’s been nominated so many times, Jag is used to competing under intense pressure. If he does somehow get nominated for eviction again, he’ll most likely be able to win his way out of it.

  • Mecole Hayes

Mecole Hayes has been so under the radar on Big Brother 25 that it’s easy to forget that she’s even still in the house playing the game. She began the season as a member of several different alliances, but her true allies have dwindled, and she’s mostly loyal to Felicia. Her main accomplishment was placing third in the Pressure Cooker competition with a time of about 13 and a half hours. Because Mecole hasn’t been involved with any of the drama in the house, and isn’t much of a competition threat, she should make it through the double eviction easily.

  • Bowie Jane

Bowie Jane hasn’t been much of a threat to anyone on Big Brother 25. Although she was very hurt when she was left out of the loop when the house decided to evict Red Utley instead of Jag, she didn’t have the opportunity to take revenge on those who betrayed her because she hasn’t won any competitions. The houseguests most likely won’t use the double eviction to eliminate a player like Bowie, whom they can target in the future instead. Therefore, Bowie should be safe this week, even though she’s not aligned with the power players in the house anymore.

  • Blue Kim

Blue Kim has connections with people on both sides of the house. She has a Final 2 deal with Jag, and is in a showmance with Jared. Although the houseguests have tried to break up her and Jag, they’re both still in the house. She’s also been upset with Jared, so her showmance shouldn’t cause her any problems. Blue should make it through the double eviction without any issues.

  • Felicia Cannon

Felicia was almost evicted instead of Izzy, so she’s definitely been seen as a threat by her fellow houseguests. She’s already survived being nominated twice, and has won an HOH competition, during which she successfully blindsided and backdoored power player Hisam Goueli. Cirie has begun to see Felicia as a liability because she tends to talk too much in the house. However, Felicia could survive the double eviction, either by winning, or by convincing the other houseguests that there are currently bigger fish to fry in the house.

  • America Lopez

America is currently on the chopping block, but the houseguests seem to be sure that they will evict Cameron Hardin this week during the first eviction. If America survives that, she has a good chance of making it through the second eviction as well. With Jared, the current HOH who nominated her, unable to play, she will have the upper hand against him. She and her showmance, Cory, were able to convince the house to switch their vote when they exposed Jared’s lies. Plus, America is a strong competitor who is due for her first HOH win. However, being in a showmance puts her at a disadvantage.

  • Cory Wurtenberger

Although Cory was able to pull off the flipped vote to evict Izzy, he could be in trouble during the double eviction. Jag saved him from the chopping block this week, but the move was more about opening a spot up for Cameron, than any loyalty to Cory. Because he’s in a showmance with America and is seen as a very strategic player, the houseguests could decide to evict him during the double eviction when he has no time to convince them not to. However, if Cory wins HOH or the Power of Veto, he could stay in the house.

  • Cirie Fields

With Cirie’s son Jared unable to play for HOH and the houseguests turning on her, Cirie is in a very bad spot during this week’s double eviction. Although they don’t know that Cirie and Jared are mother and son, the houseguests have begun to realize that targeting them is their best next step, and the double eviction is the perfect scenario to do so. Although Cirie has an excellent social game and convinces people to do her bidding, she hasn’t won any competitions so far this season. If Cirie doesn’t win HOH during the double eviction, it’s almost certain that she and Jared will be on the chopping block.

  • Jared Fields

Although Jared currently has all of the power as HOH, the houseguests are coming for him. They feel betrayed by his lies, and, when he’s ineligible to play for HOH during the double eviction, he’ll have to depend on his mom, Cirie, to keep him safe. Otherwise, it seems that Jared will definitely be nominated. Although there’s a good chance that he’ll win the Power of Veto, since he’s already won two HOH competitions and a veto so far this season, if he doesn’t win, there’s a very high probability that he’ll be going home.

  • Cameron Hardin

Cameron most likely won’t even make it to compete in the second HOH on double eviction night. Jared sealed his fate by making him the replacement nominee when Jag saved Cory with the Power of Veto, and the houseguests have decided that they’re evicting him. Cameron seems to have accepted his fate, so he will most certainly be leaving the Big Brother house tonight before the second HOH is even played.

Tonight’s double eviction will be exciting because these are the last evictions before the Jury of 7 begins. If the HGs realize this before the second eviction occurs, that could influence their decision about whom to send home as well. They could eliminate someone whom they don’t want on the jury. Although things seem to be headed in certain directions for the Big Brother 25 double eviction, everyone should always remember to “expect the unexpected” when it comes to this game.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Felicia on the verge of dropping the ‘anti-Jared & Cirie’ campaign! — See Why?

Mecole and Felicia Talk on Big Brother 25 – CBS

On Monday, Felicia was one of the main voices leading the anti-Jared and Cirie charge. She badly wanted them out of the ‘Big Brother 25’ house with one reason: for betraying her in week 6 by trying to save Izzy. Mecole and Felicia were also looking to form a new alliance. Then abandon the Brown Sugar Babes. However, on Tuesday morning, Felicia wasn’t so sure if she should completely throw Jared and Cirie to the wolves. She had an epiphany. This made her question which side she should really give her time and energy.

Flash back to Tuesday, September 19 Feeds at around 10:30 BBT to watch, Felicia speaking to Mecole about her thoughts on Jared and Cirie and their newly forming alliance. An alliance with basically everyone that isn’t Cirie or Jared, or Bowie or Cameron. The side wanted to form a new Seven Deadly Sins that included Mecole, America, and Cory.

Felicia was slightly hesitant because Jag and Blue spoke to her in the same language. This implied they had discussed what and how to pitch to her. She also wasn’t sure if they could fully trust this new alliance. Felicia worried that once Jared and Cirie left the game, Mecole and her would be at the bottom of it. They would be the next people to go. Felicia hated that Cirie and Jared betrayed her but she felt bad. She also considered warning them that the other side planned to take them out next week.

However, Mecole told her that the warning would be pointless because only Cirie could play in this week’s Head of Household. She also said that Cirie was likely to put up someone that wasn’t them anyway so it didn’t matter if they knew they were being targeted right now. Felicia said she would wait to see who won Head of Household to decide what to do with the information.

Mecole and Felicia also discussed who to vote out if it’s between Jared and Cirie next week on the block. Mecole mentioned that Jared is a shield for Cirie, so if she left, Jared would still have a target on him and Cirie hadn’t won any competitions yet. Felicia then flat out stated that she would rather vote out Cirie over Jared because she saw Cirie as the one undermining things and feeding him information.

Felicia and Mecole ended this conversation without a clear focus on who to align with going forward. However, they seem to realize that they may not be in the best position in their new alliance. They just need to figure out which side they can trust more going forward.

So do you think Felicia should be concerned about her position with the new Seven Deadly Sins? Should Cirie or Jared go in the ‘Double Eviction’ on Thursday? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Matt’s new plan ahead of Thursday’s ‘Double Eviction’


We knew that there would be a lot of over-thinking this week inside the Big Brother 25 house and for one simple reason: There is a ‘Double Eviction’ coming up on Thursday, September 21, and it is largely decided. Anytime that this happens, people are almost always going to think themselves to death about things that are not that important.

Take, for starters, Matt getting really annoyed at Blue and coming up with an idea that is really frustrating — but also saves his relationship with Cirie.

Basically, what Matt is considering now is the idea of nominating Blue and Jared for eviction so that Blue doesn’t have to “feel pressure” of using the Veto on Jared if she wins. Now, this mostly stems from two different things. He’s irritated that Blue doesn’t want to put up Jared and she’s blatantly trying to play the middle. Also, this would spare him from nominating Cirie. The irony here is that this move would actually help Matt to ensure that Jared goes over Cirie, even if he doesn’t fully know it. Why? If Cirie and Jared are up together on the double eviction, Cirie will probably do everything in her power to ensure that her son stays over her. That’s the vibe we’ve gotten all season.

If Matt wants to do this, that’s great — but the idea that Jag had to help talk him and Cory out of telling her in advance is nuts. The last thing you want to do is anything that could push Blue directly over to Cirie and Jared, given that if she teams up with them and they can get a couple more votes, they could flip things and take out America if they decide that is better for their game. Having a version of Cameron that is still in the game and after you is trouble.

ALSO READ: Why the house turned on the ‘Fields Duo’

So what do you think of Matt’s plan? Good or Bad idea? Share your thougts in the comment section below…

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