Heading into the Week 7 live episode of “Big Brother 25,” the houseguests had no idea they were about to experience their first double eviction of the season. (Although some of them suspected.) Up first was the elimination of either Cameron Hardin or America Lopez, and that would be followed by a Head of Household competition, nominations ceremony, Veto challenge, Veto meeting and second eviction — all LIVE for viewers’ enjoyment! So how did it all play out on Thursday night?
Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 22 recap/live blog to find out what happened on Thursday, September 21 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.
Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 25” live blog for the most recent updates.
8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 21st episode, Cory and America played their hearts out in the foot-themed Veto competition, because they needed one of them to come off the block to avoid being broken up. Ultimately it was Jag that persevered, and he chose to save Cory. That meant Jared had to replace him, and he named his biggest competition, Cameron. Will Cameron be going home first tonight? And who will soon be following him out the door? Let’s go!
8:01 p.m. – Julie hinted at a “terrifying twist” coming from the Scary-verse at the end of the episode, but first… the double eviction. Following his nomination as Jared’s replacement, Cameron knew that his narrative had to be getting people to see how solid America and Cory are as a pair and that keeping him in the house to win comps and target the other threats is an option.
8:03 p.m. – Mecole spoke with Cirie about their need to stick together because the group forming between Jag, Matt, Blue, America and Cory was becoming concerning. Meanwhile, Blue was checking in with Matt again about their alliance’s need to nominate Jared. Blue made it clear that she’s not going to nominate Jared this early if she wins. That was a red flag for Matt and thinks that if she wins it could be a problem for their alliance.
8:05 p.m. – A message from the Scary-verse arrived in the house warning the houseguests of something, but the “broken transmission” was missing a ton of letters that made understanding the warning difficult. Cameron remembered that last time there was a transmission like this it was during his HOH and the nominees didn’t go home. It worried everyone else in the house that this might be a way for Cameron to save himself.
8:07 p.m. – Julie spoke with the houseguests early in the evening to let them know about the night’s plans. As the start of “Scary Week,” Julie told them it’s time for the live double eviction and that two of them will be evicted by the end of the evening. First, the current nominees Cameron and America got a chance to plead for their spot in the house. America joyfully called everyone snakes because it’s been a dream come true for her. Cameron said he loves everyone in the house and asked they keep in “on the train” with them all.
8:09 p.m. – The houseguests cast their votes to evict: Matt for Cameron, Bowie for Cameron, Cirie for “Cameron and his hair,” Mecole for Cameron, Jag for Cameron, Cory for Cameron, Julie for Cameron, and Blue for Cameron. By another unanimous vote, Julie confirmed that Cameron was evicted from the house.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7 Votes:
- Matt votes to evict: Cameron
- Bowie Jane votes to evict: Cameron
- Cirie votes to evict: Cameron “and his hair”
- Mecole votes to evict: Cameron
- Jag votes to evict: Cameron
- That’s enough votes.
- Cory votes to evict: Cameron
- Felicia votes to evict: Cameron
- Blue votes to evict: Cameron
By a vote of 8-0, Cameron Hardin has been evicted from Big Brother.
8:13 p.m. – Cameron sarcastically told Julie that he was shocked he was evicted, but he actually understood that the house was targeting him. He went on to say that his back was against the wall the whole game and that the whole experience has been unforgettable. But before she dismissed him, Julie called Cameron a “Big Brother zombie” and that his game isn’t dead because it’s “undead.”
We’ll jump to this quickly – One eviction down, one more to go. “But First,” we need a new Head of Household! Our first sneak peek is a Knockout style HOH comp.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 HOH:
- Round 1: Mecole vs Bowie Jane – Mecole is right
- Round 2: Blue vs Felicia – Blue is right
- Round 3: Jag vs Cirie – Cirie is right
- Round 4: Matt vs Cirie – Matt is wrong
- Round 5: Cory vs Cirie – Cirie is wrong
- Round 6: America vs Blue – America is wrong
- Round 7: Mecole vs Blue – Cory is right
- Round 8: Cory vs Blue – Cory is right
Cory wins HOH!
The new Head of Household will send two HGs to the Block after a quick discussion with allies as the HGs race back inside to the living room and announce the decision.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Nominations:
8:26 p.m. – Right away Cory asked Blue if she’d be willing to go up as a pawn, but she pleaded that he nominate Jared and Cirie outright instead. Later, he asked Jag what he thinks and they decided they should nominated Jared and Blue so that if Blue wins veto she can’t remove Jared. When Jared got his chance to speak to Cory there wasn’t much to say.
- Nominees are: Jared and Blue
Cory said it’s a shot he doesn’t want to take, but one he “absolutely has to take.”
Now one chance for securing safety and escaping this next eviction. Who will win the Power of Veto?
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Power of Veto:
8:37 p.m. – Along with Cory, Blue, and Jared, Mecole, Matt and Jag were randomly drawn to compete in the Power of Veto Competition for the chance to remove one of the nominees if they so choose. In the comp, each player had to race to a pit to find three items first. Jared and Matt were the first players back with an item, but Cory found two and remained in the pit to find his third. Matt found his second first and after Jared also found his second, Matt retrieved his third and won the competition.
Will the medallion rescue someone from the Block? Could we get another Backdoor this round?
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Veto Ceremony:
- With the POV in his hands, Matt made the decision to keep nominations the same, leaving Jared and Blue on the block as the house options for the second eviction.
Then here we go with the second vote of the night. Seven votes and no chance of a tiebreaker this time around.
Big Brother 25 Results – Week 7.5 Votes:
- Matt votes to evict: Jared
- Bowie Jane votes to evict: Jared
- Cirie votes to evict: Blue
- Felicia votes to evict: Jared
- Mecole votes to evict: Jared
- that’s enough votes
- America votes to evict: Jared
- Jag votes to evict: Jared
Julie announced that by a 6-1 vote, Jared was the second evicted houseguest of the night. When with Jared, Julie brought Cameron out and informed both of them that they’d be returning to the house later tonight living in “as zombies” with one of them getting the chance to “resurrect their game.” To us, Julie explained that there will be NO Head of Household, NO Noms, and NO Power of Veto. Next Thursday one of the two will be returning to the game. (Also, there will be NO Wednesday episode…)
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