Felicia Cannon’s Big Brother 25 exit interview: Jag ‘may have just given away his $750,000’

Not even the faith of a mustard seed could save Felicia Cannon on Sunday night’s episode of “Big Brother.”

The 63-year old real estate agent from Kennesaw, Georgia was evicted by a vote of 1-0 on Day 96 over Matt Klotz, making her the sixth member of the jury. After winning the final Power of Veto, Jag Bains decided to evict Felicia after giving some serious thought to axing his fellow “Minuteman” just days before the final. In the end, he held true to his alliance and will be joined by Matt and Bowie Jane on finale night.

“He really has a loyalty to Matt,” Felicia told host Julie Chen Moonves during her exit interview. “I appreciate that kind of loyalty. They were true friends in there. I was too, but they were connected from day one. There was something with them — I couldn’t bust into that.” Loyalty aside, did Jag make the right decision for his game? “No,” Felicia responded bluntly. “Not at all. I told Jag, and I told Matt, each one of you has to get rid of the other one if you want to win. Jag may lose to Matt. Matty Ice played a really good social game. He’s that all-American guy that everybody loves. Jag played a really good competitive game, and he had a good social game, but I don’t know that he’ll beat Matt in a vote. He may have just given away his $750,000.”

Felicia also admitted there was plenty she wished she would have done differently in the game. “So many things,” she said with a sigh. “The people I thought I could trust I found out were lying to me the whole daggone game. It was crazy! I think I played the best game for me. I tried to stay true to me. I tried to stay truthful. I probably talked too much.” In closing, Felicia revealed, “They all knew I could beat them! This has been the greatest experience of my life. It’s been a pleasure. I won’t do it again! But it has been a pleasure. And I’m going to use my influence in that jury house.”

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