Due to the writers’ strike (and now the actors’ strike), “Big Brother 25” premiered later than usual year. The 25th installment launched on Wednesday, Aug. 2 with 90-minute episode and it airs on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays like it typically does — for the first half of the season...
“Big Brother 25” fans, get ready for a game-changing jury announcement in next week’s live eviction episode on Thursday, September 14 (at a new time of 8/7c). Host Julie Chen Moonves teased the news at the end of the September 7 live hour, following the eviction of Red Utley and the crowning...
Changes are arriving this week for the Big Brother 25 schedule with new showtimes and an extra long episode ahead as we’re still not even to the halfway mark of this extended season.
As part of Thursday night’s episode, host Julie Chen Moonves announced this coming Sunday’s episode would be shifted until...
Tonight on 'Big Brother 25' at 9/8c we’re set for the latest vote and likely the second blindside of the season (but of course) — this time for a split vote. You’re not going to want to miss this one play out live. Yes, it looks like the Houseguests are...
Jag Bains, a houseguest on Big Brother 25, is rapidly gaining popularity among viewers as the first Sikh houseguest to ever take part in the reality competition show.
On premiere night, Jag impressively won the BB Comics-verse game almost immediately, connecting wires from a table to a goo bomb, which...
Heading into this week 4 ’s live eviction episode of “Big Brother 25,” Blue Kim and Jag Bains were sitting on the chopping block after Head of Household Cameron Hardin nominated them and Veto winner Red Utley chose not to save them. Blue and Jag have been besties since day one, and they had a cry...
Another Big Brother showmance is drawing the eyes of many live feed viewers. The relationship between Jared Fields and Blue Kim is well-known, but a second showmance surfaced within the BB25 cast.
America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger are having lots of fun getting to know each other, and the cuddle...
Heading into the third live eviction episode of 'Big Brother 25' last night, Week 3 Head of Household Felicia Cannon had just made good on her promise to backdoor Hisam Goueli. Jag Bains winning the Veto and removing himself from the block gave Felicia the opportunity she needed to put up her true...
For those who have been watching the Live Feeds, a Big Brother showmance has been developing. The Big Brother 25 cast members Blue Kim and Jared Fields have been getting very close.
Extensive flirting has been happening, and the duo has been cuddling in various locations around the house. Not...
Hisam is one of the Big Brother houseguests who has been making a lot of news since week 1. He won the Pov in week 1 and week 2 and also he won the HOH in week 2. Unfortunately for him, this week (week 3) Hisam has been put...