Big Brother 27 casting is now open

Producers have already opened applications for people wanting to play that future season.

This is exciting news, not just because a new season is already getting attention, but because BB26 hasn’t even premiered yet.

Big Brother 26 debuts with a two-night season premiere on July 17 and 18.

Production has begun teasing the house and a new theme but hasn’t confirmed until July.

Big Brother 27 applications have opened

The casting site for Big Brother has rolled over for the next new season, so fans can now apply to play the game later.

“Big Brother is now accepting applications for season 27!” reads the  text on the CBS site.

The portal provides all the necessary information for a new applicant, including what it takes to be eligible to play the game.

A video explaining what makes a successful application submission is also available. It gives tips for fans looking to put their best foot forward.

Filling out the application and filming a video to present can take a lot of time, so plan if you are a fan who wants to apply for a future season.

The good news is that everybody gets paid to play Big Brother, even if you don’t win the $750,000 prize that goes to the winner.

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