Chelsie has gone from zero to hero on “Big Brother 26.” The former mascot won the Week 2 second HOH crown on Thursday night. The best part is she wasn’t planning on winning it.
But no one did either. The comp was questions and answers, and apparently eight people dropped out on the first one. Chelsie said she only stayed in it because Leah was still in it and she didn’t trust her. After Thursday’s eviction, Leah apparently told Chelsie that she wasn’t aligned with Matt and Makensy, which was “the lady doth protest too much” to Chelsie’s ears.
It’s true that Chelsie did not need to win this HOH. She was in a good position and no one would’ve targeted her for weeks probably, but after Angela‘s messiness last week, Chelsie just needs to have a normal one to right the ship and suss out dynamics and establish real alliances since nearly every alliance offered last week was unserious to someone.
Lisa is Chelsie’s target and she’s also considering Angela (obviously), Makensy and Kenney, who offered to go up (of course he did), to join Lisa on the block. Chelsie wants to flush out the powers and she’s already halfway there because Makensy told her about hers in their one-on-one. Like half the house, she believes Lisa has the other one.
UPDATE: Chelsie nominated: Angela, Kenney, and Lisa
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