Big Brother 26 spoilers: Week 2 HOH results and the target

Who won HoH for week 2 of Big Brother 26? The moment that it was clear that we weren’t getting the competition on the show tonight, it felt like we could wait a while to see it. There are still so many people left, which means there’s a lot of work to be done when it comes to corralling everyone into various parts of the house.

It is important to note that Quinn has that Deep Fake HoH. What that means is that no matter who wins it, he can basically take control of the game and that could be interesting to see. (He has talked on the live feeds about a plan where he wins HoH himself, uses it, and then tries to cast blame on someone else — which is both diabolical and also hilarious.)

Fingers crossed that the competition is one that is equitable again for all players, as that has been one of the pleasant changes that we’ve seen so far this season. Hasn’t it been nice to see events play out that feel somewhat balanced and not just for the stronger guys?

Who is Week 2 HoH?

Chelsie! She’s gone from being a mascot to having a lot of power and with that, she’s got some interesting choices to make. Lisa would be the east target at this point, but there will likely be a ton of conversations about it. Lisa has been named a Have-Not now alongside Leah, Makensy, and Rubina, and everything is reasonably calm all things considered for the night.

For those who have not heard yet for whatever reason, in general we don’t get the sense that Makensy is that torn up about Matt leaving. After all, it was never her goal this season to have a showmance and now, things open up for her in the house.


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