Late last night the ‘Big Brother 26’ live feeds came on for the first time this season, and there were a number of things we learned.
So, where do we start? Well, a natural place is by noting that Angela Murray has won the first HoH of the season! Given that she is the oldest woman in the game and hardly the most physical competitor, this is a pleasant surprise that may also signal that we’re getting a lot of balanced comps this season. (Of course, we also do not want to jump the gun on anything here given that 1) it’s still early and 2) almost anything can happen.

Now, where things get more interesting is that there are seemingly four people who will compete in the AI Arena, a new competition through the early part of this season. It feels a lot like Battle of the Block but with a different name.
Who will Angela target for Eviction?
Angela told Joseph that she was thinking about possibly nominating Lisa Weintraub, Kenney Kelley, or Kimo Apaka, with Kimo being a possible pawn. Angela also told Joseph that she’s not going to nominate T’kor Clottey. It seems as though she might have to nominate four people. Kenney has been discussed as a possible target. Makensy was saying that she was paranoid about being the first one to be voted out of the house, but Angela told her that she didn’t have to worry about being nominated.
Although Angela seems to have a solid plan in place, anything can happen in the Big Brother 26 house. Even if Kenney is her target, there’s always the chance that he could win the Power of Veto, and throw a wrench in her plans. In addition, Makensy and Quinn‘s secret powers could turn the game upside down, especially since no one knows who has them or how they work. Makensy might’ve been pretending to be worried about being voted out first in order to hide the fact that she won the secret power, but she might not know that she won yet.
Well, It’s still super-early, but doesn’t it seem like going after Kenney is a silly move for Angela to make? Unless her only goal is to not make waves, he could go out at any point. It makes more sense to take out a physical player; Matt is one, and he already has spilled the beans on multiple alliances. (This house is nutty already this season!)
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