One thing about Tucker on “Big Brother 26″ is that he’s going to win comps. Another is that he’s not going to turn down a chance to cause chaos.
One of those things has already happened and the second is on deck. Tucker won his third straight Veto in a row on Saturday. He didn’t need to win this one since he was already HOH, but it was also Hide and Go Veto, so it’s on everyone else who failed to find his Veto card. During the comp, someone ransacked Tucker’s clothes. He thought it was Quinn, who denied it, but it was Brooklyn, who was not doing anything to diminish the size of the target on her back.
After using the Veto on Angela two weeks ago and on himself last week — which was a blindside for him — Tucker confirmed early Monday morning to his allies that he will use the Veto on Quinn and put Chelsie up in his place. That’ll be three-quarters of the remaining Pentagon members on the block and his eye is still on Brooklyn going. Earlier, he had told Joseph that he will “blow the roof off this place” at the Veto meeting, which will be “epic,” because he plans on calling out the Collective/the Pentagon and Brooklyn and Chelsie on their lies and can’t wait to see how certain people react to what he says. He talked to Quinn, telling him that Brooklyn exposed her and Quinn’s final two and his convo with Tucker about Quinn being a pawn, but he’s cool with Quinn because he has owned up to stuff. He implored Quinn not to say anything before the meeting. Easier said than done.
Tucker then met with Brooklyn, who told him not to use the Veto and hopes the target is still Quinn. Oop. She told Tucker that she won’t target him if she’s HOH (lol) and that she only has Chelsie in the game. As long as Quinn keeps his mouth shut, we’re in store for another Brooklyn blindsided face and messy Veto meeting fallout.
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