Big Brother 26 spoilers: Tucker leaves everyone scrambling as he and Brooklyn confront each other [Watch]

Well, Tucker did as promised on “Big Brother 26″ on Monday: He blew the roof off the place.

After using the Veto on Quinn, Tucker put up Chelsie as the renom next to Brooklyn and Cam, but not before exposing the Collective, the Pentagon and all his various issues with Brooklyn and the tests he gave her and Quinn to see who could be trusted. Apparently Brooklyn and Chelsie tried to throw Joseph under the bus trying to defend themselves. Good luck with that since Joseph has pledged undying loyalty to Tucker. Say what you will about Tucker, but he truly DGAF and isn’t afraid to make moves. He already knows he’s a target and needs to win to be safe, so he gives the people the content they want.

The rest of Monday was full of rehashes and talking in circles by everyone except Cam, who remains furniture in the house. On the one hand, good for him since no one is looking at him this week and he’ll probably be safe no matter what. But when are you gonna play the game, dude? Makensy, on the other hand, is trying to play the game but has some of the, if not the worst, reads of all time. She was stunned by all the Veto meeting revelations and believes that she and Tucker are seen as a duo (??) and she’ll be targeted next because she’s won comps. OK.

Brooklyn is obviously peeved, especially at Tucker’s accusation that she’s the mastermind (or Medusa, per the analogy he loves using) of everything. She and Tucker had a tense one-on-one later at night, which didn’t amount to anything. It was each of them stating their side and the other not really listening. Tucker laid out all the reasons why he doesn’t trust her, including her stories that don’t add up to him and her lack of a poker face, and he thinks she’s being fake by now suddenly talking to Angela when she’s on the block after not having done so for weeks. Brooklyn tried to defend herself and got heated at one point that Tucker told her not to yell. They awkwardly hugged at the end before disbanding to do their retells with Rubina (him) and Chelsie (her). Something says this’ll continue to happen the rest of the week.

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