Big Brother 26 spoilers: The target has shifted ahead of tonight’s eviction

T’kor and Rubina nominated on BB26 – Photo: CBS

Kimo has a lot to celebrate this week on “Big Brother 26.” He was taken off the block by Angela and Tuesday was his birthday. But the good times will end tonight since he’s guaranteed to lose one of his allies. And that person is looking more and more likely to be T’Kor.

With T’Kor up as the renom now, much of the game convo between everyone but T’Kor and Chelsie on Tuesday became about how this is the perfect time to take T’Kor out otherwise she’ll win the whole thing — as they’ve all casually been discussing all season. Angela has been on board from the jump and promised her vote to Rubina, who vowed not to nominate her. Angela told her she never promised her vote to Kimo the previous weeks, so this is proof that she really, really wants Rubina to stay (or more like she really, really wants T’Kor out).

Cam, who could very well be the last man standing, and Leah agreed T’Kor being a bigger threat than Rubina. Leah told him that T’Kor wanted a guy to go this week, while Cam shared that he was aware of the all-girls alliance and promised Leah he’ll target Kimo and Rubina, not her, if he’s HOH. Meanwhile, Makensy and Rubina discussed how T’Kor would win if she makes it to the end.

Ironically, Chelsie, who’s had such good reads, is the only one seemingly in the dark about the tides shifting. She wants Rubina to go and told T’Kor that she thinks Angela does too, which is false. Cam would like to get Chelsie on the Evict T’Kor train, so he has a few more hours to do it. Well, currently, it’s looking like T’Kor will be the second juror.

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