Big Brother 26 spoilers: Quinn shifts to a new target

We have kicked off Week 7 of Big Brother 26 with a new Head of Household and a new trio of nominees. At the start of the week, a target had been set, however, that target has already shifted from one nominee to another on BB26.

For the passed 24 hours, it looked more like this week’s HOH Quinn was ready to get Rubina out of the game, but has since backtracked on that. Instead, the plan (as he told the cameras) is to get rid of Angela. His logic is simple: If she makes it to jury, there’s a good chance she gets dragged to the final two. He does not want her taking a way a spot from him if he also makes it far. You can add to this their long and incredibly-lengthy history, if you want. We also do tend to think that if Quinn really did have Rubina evicted this week, he’d turn T’kor and Kimo even more against him — and they aren’t happy already about Kimo and Rubina being on the block.

Basically, Quinn wants to get out of this week without making a lot of enemies, which means that there are going to be people who are upset if the Veto gets used.

As for some other noteworthy content from him, he is apparently well-aware of the fact that Leah is playing him at times, but he can’t help himself by wanting to keep her around. (Basically, it’s his own fault.) He also knows that long-term, Chelsie, Joseph, and T’kor are all threats to his game. His biggest flaw right now is that it’s hard to think of someone who he really wants to be at the end against. Is it Kimo? Cam? Makensy? Even with Makensy, she can make an argument that she’s fought every second to be where she is and that could be compelling.

Beyond Quinn’s rationale, the feeds remain quiet — and if Angela goes this week, we lose another iconic player for the second straight week.

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