Big Brother 26 spoilers: Matt campaigns to ‘avenge my family’

Photo – CBS

Typically, Wednesdays is when campaigning goes into overdrive since it’s eviction eve and all and there’s lots and lots of discussion of votes, but the AI Arena has added a wrinkle. Though he’s less confident now, Matt thinks he’ll be safe, but he’s most likely going if he doesn’t win the comp. Lisa was in the dark as much as Matt was about his possible impending doom until Quinn let it slip that Matt probably doesn’t have the votes to stay.

Let’s not ruin a blindside, guys. Matt did do a lengthy pitch to Lisa, Brooklyn, and Rubina about how he wants to stay to take out Angela to “avenge my family.” A hysterical pitch because why is your whole family involved now and you’re acting like they were murdered? It was just his mom being mentioned and we know he was the one who brought up his mom to Angela in their convo. Also, it’s not that serious. Plus, Angela has been so unhinged that even she expects to be the house target next week, so Matt’s services won’t be needed to take her out.


Angela was more calm, by her standards, after Quinn told her to chillax and keep it low-key. She is still convinced that Lisa has a power though. Speaking of, when the topic of the powers came up, Matt told Lisa, Brooklyn and Rubina that he doesn’t know who has them, which is obviously a lie, but he thinks one of them is taking someone off the block. Subtle.

So still nothing’s changed: Kimo is the safest regardless of what happens with the AI Arena and Matt is the least safe. Kenney remains a possible boot, but it’s most likely Matt, and the only person who would probably be upset about his eviction is Makensy.

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