Big Brother 26 spoilers: Makensy’s big Veto Ceremony decision

We are prepared to see a pretty significant Veto Ceremony later today in Big Brother 26 house — so what is going to happen during it?

Well, let’s just say that as of this writing tonight, Makensy is still in the process of gathering information and figuring out what to do. She gave a monologue to all of us talking about it, noting that getting rid of Quinn potentially would be a big move for her; however, she is still unsure if it is the right move. After all, we understand that from her point of view. Leah and Quinn don’t necessarily have a big incentive to get her out right now, and if she does decide to make a move, she is throwing herself on more of a strategic island. Then again, she may need risky moves in order to win.

For much of the past few hours, we have seen her try to have some of these conversations with other people in the house, ones where she has really tried to run through the potential pros and cons. Also, she is trying to figure out who to trust and who to be concerned about.

The thing that Makensy actually does need to realize here is that for this season, not using the Veto is actually a move since it could help to get Kimo out and with that, diminish the trio with him, T’kor, and Rubina. You could also then use this to further solidify something with Quinn and Leah to take you further within the game. It absolutely benefits Chelsie to get out Quinn, given that he is someone who can win competitions and isn’t a #1 or #2 ally in her mind. For Makensy? We’re not so sure, and that is what makes this decision tricky.

What we can at least say is that last night, she said enough to Leah to make it clear why she is thinking about making a move against Quinn. To be specific, she’s not sure there is another opportunity! If she can take out Quinn while still keeping Leah, she may be more comfortable with the move.

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