Big Brother 26 spoilers: Kenney back in his mopey era — He’s close to self-evicting

Big Brother 26 houseguest, Kenney Kelley is back in his mopey era, missing his family and home, and said he’s not sure if $750,000 is worth it. The man is this close to self-evicting.

Well, Before we get too deep into the evening within the Big Brother 26 house, let’s go ahead and tackle a huge, Kenney-centric question. Are we about to see the guy quit the game? Also, would it be better if he did? — Maybe he should’ve used this week’s Veto on someone else then if he wants to go home this badly.

At this point, we don’t blame a single person out there who is feeling frustrated over this entire mess, and for good reason. Last week, he moped around saying that he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize Matt’s future in the game, and almost preferred him to stick around instead. Now, he’s been feeling sorry for himself againquestioning if the money is worth it and continuing to be separate from a lot of game talks.

We should note that there are some people out there going full tinfoil-hat and speculating that since Kenney is an undercover cop, this is all a scheme to get people to think he’s useless and not a serious threat in the game. Is that possible? We suppose in theory, sure; however, it also feels pretty unlikely that someone like him is keeping up this routine for so long, especially since it really feels like the crux of his complaints is missing his family.

Also, not being invested in the game is not a particularly good way to get people invested in working with you. We just think that he went into the house, he didn’t find the alliance or power that he thought he was going to have, and has just mentally checked out from a lot of it. This isn’t what he anticipated and he’s already tired of it.

The most confusing part of all this

Kenney is not someone who entered Big Brother 26 completely unaware of what the game was! This is someone who should have realized what he was signing up for! Is it hard to anticipate every facet of the game watching from home? Sure, but even still … it doesn’t feel like prepared for all ways in which the game could go.

Honestly, the idea at this point would be if Kenney quits for some reason between now and Thursday, mostly because there’s no real reason to draw this out. For those who are wondering, though, this is no guarantee that the eviction this week would be canceled. Production has gone both ways on this in the past.

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