Big Brother 26 spoilers: Angela turns on Tucker (of course) — Makensy is behind it!

Angela telling Leah, Makensy, Quinn she wants Tucker out – Photo: CBS

What we are seeing at this point inside the Big Brother 26 house this week is pretty inevitable: People turning on Tucker. The moment that he is vulnerable, people are going to find ways to consider voting him out. While his game has its flaws, he’s also one of the best competitors out there and you don’t want to risk him winning out.

Or, that is the cast with some people. Tucker potentially getting voted out this week if he loses the AI Arena is actually due largely to a twist that a lot of us felt rather silly about at first in the AI Instigator, which is going to make it all the worse if it is actually Tucker controlling what is being said. The drop about him and Rubina holding hands caused MJ and Leah to turn on him pretty fast, mostly because they realized that they weren’t exactly able to reel him in and he was keeping secrets.

Also, we do think that Angela is now concerned that she is nowhere near the top of his list of important people. Makensy of all people planted a seed earlier on Sunday, and just a matter of minutes Angela seemed to be leading the charge to Quinn, Leah, and Makensy that Tucker should go. Quinn waited a few hours and then took Angela’s evict-Tucker plan right back to T’kor and sold Angela out.

Well, Soon after Quinn made his reveal to T’kor was seen Makensy heading upstairs to try and convince T’kor that Angela was the perfect renom because she didn’t have anyone and wasn’t really helping anyone’s game. So now you’ve got Makensy trying to flip Angela against Tucker but then also throwing her out as a renom option who then wouldn’t be available to help her vote Tucker out. But wait, it gets better. The problem here, of course, is that if T’kor nominates either Angela or Leah for replacement, that means that it’s a guarantee that one of the four people in that room would not be voting. That means that you’d need two more votes to avoid a tie and Kimo is Team Tucker and Cam said he doesn’t want him out just yet. Joseph has been close to him here and there, Rubina has the showmance, and Chelsie may want do whatever T’kor does to build trust.

So, even if Angela does turn on Tucker, there is no guarantee that he goes. What makes all of this even harder to figure out is that Joseph is locked in solitary confinement for the time being so he can’t contribute to anything in to what’s happening.

Perhaps Makensy’s attempt to flip Angela agaist Tucker was all a set up and she never really wanted ol’ “CRAZY EYES!” to work with her against Tucker but rather to become a bigger target than her up on the Block. Okay, that’s not a bad plan — Makensy. But will it work? Ehh, about that.

Ehh, about that plan… After Makensy got Angela to support her “evict Tucker” plan and going to T’kor with the “renom Angela” plan, Makensy then told Tucker that Angela was campaigning against him staying. Tucker wasn’t sure he could trust that info though. Later in the night Rubina confirmed to Tucker that this was true and now Tucker has to confront Angela over it.

And late into the night Tucker and the other Sixth Ave HGs (minus Angela, of course) talked through what to do about Angela. Tucker wants to confront her and figure out what’s happening. Sounds like he hasn’t completely given up on Angela, but should he? We also heard from T’kor and Kimo that Leah might be the cleaner renom and they’re probably right, but then again Leah is a bump on a log in the game while Angela keeps stirring it up.

Bonus: T’kor has come down to two main options for the renom: Angela and Leah. Also Tucker confronts Angela (Watch video below)

So do you think it is the right time for Angela to turn on Tucker? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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