Big Brother 26 spoilers: Angela continues to be a menace, she mocks Lisa’s walk [Watch Video]

Leave it to Angela to provide prime entertainment on what was humdrum Tuesday in the “Big Brother 26″ house.

Deciding to stir things up, she continued to antagonize Quinn, mostly by talking to Tucker about him and his power. Tucker tried to save Angela from herself and told her to cool it, but she refused to relent. Quinn wasn’t Angela’s only target though. She openly mocked Lisa‘s exaggerated, shoulder-swinging walk right in front of her face, leaving Lisa’s mouth agape.

First “Crazy Eyes,” now crazy walk. Angela is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Lisa said she’d take the high road and ignore Angela, which is for the best because if she confronted her, it’d lead to an argument that would be blocked from the feeds anyway.

Later, Kimo confirmed to Tucker that Angela was telling the truth about Quinn’s power and explained how it worked. He told Tucker to keep it to himself because Quinn has their backs and they’ve got to protect him. But will Tucker keep quiet?

Meanwhile, Kenney was back in his mopey era, missing his family and home, and said he’s not sure if $750,000 is worth it. The man is thisclose to self-evicting. He should’ve used the Veto on someone else then if he wants to go home this badly. As of now, Lisa is the likely boot if she doesn’t win AI Arena.

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