Big Brother 26 spoilers: Angela Causes Chaos By Calling Herself Out

Big Brother 26’s alleged producer plant Angela Murray has been struggling on the BB live feeds but has caused some online chaos by seemingly calling herself out as a producer plant to the rest of the houseguests. Angela, who’s won two Head Of Household titles thus far on Big Brother 26, has been one of the most confusing houseguests of the season. From the near-constant paranoia that’s caused her to blow up her game more than once to the relationships she’s crushed in her time on the show, Angela has been difficult to pin down regarding her general gameplay style.

While there have been accusations that Angela is a producer plant due to her consistent need to stir up drama and several other reality TV appearances, Angela hasn’t been forthright about the potential she’s a plant until now. During a conversation shown on the Big Brother live feeds, Angela asked some of her fellow houseguests if they’d ever considered the idea that there could be a houseguest who wasn’t a genuine part of the cast before.

“Have you guys ever thought that there could be a decoy person in here that isn’t really part of the show? But is just “planted” here to “be a player” but they’re getting paid separately, they’re just in here,” Angela asks Rubina Bernabe, T’Kor Clottey, Kimo Apaka, Quinn Martin, Makensy Manbeck, and Cam Sullivan-Jones in the HOH bedroom. While some were receptive to the idea, most of Angela’s fellow houseguests dismissed the idea with laughter. Though Angela may not have been speaking about herself, the direct callout has viewers wondering if she’s calling herself out.


While Angela has been one of the more controversial houseguests on Big Brother 26, the idea of her being a producer plant has been a far-off theory that some have bought into, while others have written it off. With Angela directly asking her fellow houseguests about the idea, it’s clear that she’s been thinking about it on her own. Whether that directly relates to her place in the game or is simply something she was considering, it was jarring for Big Brother live feed viewers to hear her talk about something so prevalent to those on the outside looking in.

Angela’s behavior on Big Brother 26 has been erratic, at times even concerning, because of the level of paranoia she’s had throughout the game. While she’s been aligned with Quinn in the past, her most troubling moments of paranoia came in the first week of the game, when she targeted Matt Harderman after a terse conversation, and in the most recent week, when she turned on her ally Tucker Des Lauriers, who was then evicted from the BB house. Angela’s behavior suggests she’s in the game to stir things up, which lends to the idea of her being a plant.

With Big Brother 26 hitting its halfway mark just last week, the houseguests still left in the game are making a concerted effort to push their way to the end of the game. While Angela has shared in her Diary Room interviews that she wants to make it to the end, she’s been telling her fellow houseguests that simply getting to the top 3 would be enough for her. With her potential producer plant status now looming heavier than ever, Angela could be one of the most intriguing Big Brother houseguests of all time.

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