Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Angela blows up on Matt

Big Brother fans woke up to some high drama this weekend when Angela Murray blew up on Matt Hardeman.

Angela has been playing the game very hard, including becoming part of various alliances and drawing lines between herself and several other houseguests.

Two of the people Angela was working against were Kenney Kelley and Matt Hardeman. Kenney took center stage as Angela nominated him for eviction.

Before the first Veto Competition on Saturday (July 20), Angela went after Matt in front of the rest of the BB26 cast.

Angela vs Matt on the Big Brother Live Feeds

A sleep-deprived Angela chose violence as she came down for her day, and it was clear she hadn’t been sleeping enough (she also told everyone that).

The claim from Angela was that Matt had verbally threatened her as she began calling him “crazy eyes” in front of a packed kitchen.

Below is footage from the feeds from when Angela came downstairs on Saturday and immediately went after Matt.


If it all seems very disjointed, that’s because it is. Angela claims that Matt came to her and told her that he had everyone in his pocket.

Matt was outside the primary BB26 alliance formed in Week 1, putting him in danger of becoming an eviction target.

Some details are missing from what we have seen on the feeds, and most Big Brother fans couldn’t spot what set off Angela.

We may get more answers during a future Big Brother episode – likely on Wednesday, July 24, when the Veto Competition is shown.

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