Big Brother, everyone’s favorite summer guilty pleasure, returned to CBS on July 17 for it’s 26th season with 16 new houseguests battling for the $750,000 grand prize and one more familiar face to bring these HGs the BBAI season twist. This time around, the competition will last 89 for days (or so), concluding on Oct. 13, this makes it shorter than last season’s 100 days, which was very weird because of the actors’ and writers’ strikes. So how did the first half of the two-night event play out on Wednesday night?
Below, read on for our ‘Big Brother’ season 26, Episode 1 recap to find out what happened on Wednesday, July 17 at 9/8c. Then be sure to sound off in the comments section about your favorite BB26 houseguests on CBS’s reality TV show, who annoys you the most and who you think will ultimately join the Big Brother winners list.
Welcome to the ‘Big Brother’ season 26 Premiere Day! We already met the Big Brother Houseguests for the new season, watched a guided video tour of the new AI-Themed house design with Julie Chen. So let’s settle in for tonight’s recap!
Well, within the first thirty minutes of tonight’s episode, Julie confirmed that we’ll get to meet just eight of the Houseguests with the other half tomorrow night. She also promised new comps, new powers, and new punishments.
Here are the 8 houseguests we met tonight: Angela, Kimo, Chelsie, Joseph, Cam, Makensy, Rubina, and Tucker. The HGs after getting their keys, it was time to meet out on the front stage to hear from Julie.
The first group in was Tucker, Angela, Kimo, and Chelsie followed by Cam, Joseph, Makensy, and Rubina who came in next.
Later Julie called everyone out to the backyard and she promised them a chance to change the game. Introducing the first twist of the season, Julie said the first 8 HGs had to decide whether or not they’ll invite in a 17th HG. They played a message from this potential HG, Ainsley (24, San Diego), begging to be let in.
The way the twist went is that if five people voted yes, Ainsley would enter the game. However, if it was only four, she would not get a chance to compete. As it turns out, the vote was 4-4 denying her to join the game.
But wait! All this was a fake. And here’s the truth — Ainsley is actually AINSLI and she’s an AI personality. She would not have been a player regardless, because she IS AI. But as it turns out, she was just testing the houseguests in human form to determine how they would act in this situation. Those who voted to bring her in will battle for a secrete power to help their games. However, those who voted against her will face a punishment comp.
Who has the Upgrade power … and the disadvantage?
Well, Makensy managed to get the Upgrade power, though at the moment it remains to be seen what that actually is! Meanwhile, Chelsie has the disadvantage, and we’re going to learn more about these tomorrow night … and that is also when we are going to have a chance to meet the other eight players taking part.
Julie revealed that tomorrow night’s second half will face this same situation with a vote for or against the AI fake HG. Then they too will go through these same comps.
What did you think about the events of the Big Brother 26 premiere?Share your thoughts in the comment comments!
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