A large alliance on Big Brother 26 has been calling the shots in Week 1.
Led by the first Head of Household this season, the alliance should also dictate who goes home first. Angela Murray is the first Head of Household, and she took power after the early move-in date.
Since then, there have been signs that Angela is playing the game too hard and fast. It might make her a big Week 2 target.
There is a nine-person alliance at the top of the food chart. They are controlling the action and likely the vote as Week 1 progresses.
Early alliances don’t always last, so this one might have a short shelf-life, but thus far, it is quite strong.
This leading alliance includes Angela, Brooklyn Rivera, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Cedric Hodges, Chelsie Baham, Leah Peters, Joseph Rodriguez, Quinn Martin, and Rubina Bernabe.
Many side alliances have spun off this group and could be stronger than the whole, but these nine people are likely safe from anything happening in Week 1.
Angela hosted the first Nomination Ceremony on Friday (July 19). That’s where she revealed her three nominees for eviction.
We haven’t seen an episode that explains the process yet (the first one is Sunday, July 21), but in the early going, the Head of Household is placing three people on the block.
Angela nominated Kimo Apaka, Lisa Weintraub, and Kenney Kelley for eviction.
Angela wants Kennery to be evicted in Week 1 and talked to Kimo and Lisa about her plans after the Nomination Ceremony.
Using two pawns at the first Nomination Ceremony is a good way to create tension with people who could hold power in Week 2. Angela has to tread that ground very carefully.
Angela getting informed about her new alliance “The Collective” #BB26 pic.twitter.com/6L04c1m06K
— BigBrotherJunkie👁 #BB26 (@89razorskate20) July 20, 2024
Angela also made a strong two-person alliance with Brooklyn. Can the duo last a long time this summer? It all depends on whether or not Angela can maneuver through the rest of Week 1 without causing too much chaos or creating too many enemies.
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