Big Brother 25’s Cameron explains why Jag beat Matt

Cameron Hardin on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Although Cameron did not win season 25 of Big Brother, he managed to win the next best thing. He was voted America’s Favorite Player by the fans and received a prize of $50,000. It is clear that the audience appreciated Cameron’s role as a chaos agent in a house where most of the players preferred to play it safe and steady. As a 34-year-old stay-at-home dad, Cameron’s performance in mixing things up certainly did not go unnoticed.

Cameron’s bold moves and outstanding challenge performances got him voted out twice in the Big Brother house. However, the viewers still appreciated his go-for-broke attitude.

In an interview with EW, Cameron, talked and shared his thoughts on winning the award(AFP) and why Jag beat Matt.

“I still don’t have the words. I can’t put it all together, man. My favorite television show since 2001. I can’t believe that fans of my favorite TV show decided that I was their favorite player. I cannot wrap my brain around it still”. He said when he was asked how he felt about winning the award.

“I was fully banking on Cirie. I was standing next to her. I was just like, “Man, at least I’m in the top three. This is pretty cool. Man, Cirie, this is really awesome.” he added.

When they asked him why he voted Jag over Matt, he said “He was absolutely hands down — between the two of them — the better player, the most deserving. I believe that he had the most control over his game. I believe that he had the most planning opportunity. Though Matt definitely came through with him in a lot of times — with a lot of competitions and a lot of the execution of the plans — Jag walked the whole thing home. He knew piece by piece exactly what he wanted to do. So, I’m honored to have played the game with him. I think he did an incredible job”.

Ew also asked him about his thoughts on their performances answering the jury questions and giving their speeches there at the end and Cameron answered saying “They were pretty solid. I know that Jag had an explosive speech there at the end, but the only thing that I could think of was I was so proud that he was finally taking a lot of credit for what he had done — something that Matt lacked the entire time with every one of our exits. Matt should have taken a lot more credit for what it was that he was doing. I think that he probably could have got some votes. I honestly believe that it could have been extremely close had he taken a lot more credit for the things that he did in people’s goodbye messages and in their departure”.

“But Jag’s an explosive one, I was just excited that he was finally toeing the line and taking the advantage of the opportunity to say how much he actually did in the game — which is the opportunity right there on that stage. And he took the bull by the horns. I’m really proud of him”. He added.

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