America Lopez’s Big Brother 25 exit interview: Jag and Matt steamrolling through everyone is ‘so stupid!’

America Lopez’s exit interview with Julie Chen Moonves – CBS

America Lopez became the 12th houseguest to exit the “Big Brother 25″ house (and fourth to join the jury) when she was evicted by a vote of 3-0 Thursday night. The 27-year old medical receptionist from Brooklyn, New York was ousted on Day 87 over Felicia Cannon.

Head of Household Bowie Jane kept it simple when she came into power on double eviction night. She held true to her final three deal with Jag Bains and Matt Klotz while targeting two people she actually had a chance to beat on finale night.

“I knew they were coming after me,” America told host Julie Chen Moonves during her exit interview. “It was between me and Felicia! Of course they’re gonna keep her over me. It’s Matt and Jag. I don’t trust them. I said that I was coming after them! I told everybody that I was coming after them. I didn’t stand a chance. I know their ideal final four is probably with Felicia and Cirie. It wasn’t with me.”

America was furious she was evicted, but knew Matt and Jag made the right decision. “They’re gonna win! I’m so mad because everyone’s just letting them slide through. Granted, they keep winning everything so nobody ever has a chance, but they’re gonna win. They’re gonna be final two. I’ve seen this over and over again. They’re just gonna steamroll through everyone. It’s so stupid! It just makes me so mad!”

Softening the blow to America will be Cory Wurtenberger, who will be waiting for her in the jury house with his lips puckered. “I’m so excited! Me and him in the jury house together,” she gushes. What are her hopes for the relationship? “Marriage?” she responds. “No, I’m just excited to continue where we left off. I love Cory so I’m so excited to see him. It was one week, but I miss him dearly.” In closing she assured viewers, “The competitions are so much harder than they look, I’m not that wimpy! They’re just hard and with these big dudes there…but I loved it.”

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