Big Brother’s Julie Chen wants the show to continue casting older contestants and mentions who she thinks played the best game but didn’t make it to jury

Photo (CBS)

We are a few days away from the Big Brother 25 finale, which has been quite interesting. It has been quite a show, from all the fake alliances to the flip-flopping of votes to houseguests throwing each other under the bus.

In an interview with EW, Julie Chen was asked if having a greater diversity in ages is something she would like to continue to see. “Absolutely,” the host tells EW. “And look how long Felicia and Cirie have lasted. I mean, they’re going to be in at least the final six. And one of them will be in at least the final five if not taking it all the way. We used to have one older person, who was middle-aged plus, maybe every other season along with a bunch of young hotties.” she said.

When asked about which cast she thinks played the best game but didn’t make it to the jury, “Hisam. He’s smart and he’s good, but he’s not humble and he doesn’t let anyone else talk. He was kind of like a team captain, but then he lost his team. He could have rallied, and he seemed good at competitions. He’s smart, he’s physical, but he didn’t have the personality” she answered.

“Kirsten, hard to judge her. Mecole, she just kind of floated through — smart, but she didn’t have to do much to make it as far as she did. Izzy was in it. She was passionate about the game and likable and had teammates, had people working with her. Not Jared — he was too immature and played too hard, too quickly, rushing through things and telling Blue about Cirie being his mom. He just needed to grow up a little bit” Julie continued.

“So I would say Hisam or Izzy. Reilly, maybe she could have been, but we didn’t get to see enough. I don’t think she could handle the pressure of the power. She could have been good at all the competitions, but handling the politics of the house and the pressure of the power of being HOH, I think she was a little bit too emotional for that role” the host concluded.

In your own opinion who do you think played the best game yet they didn’t make it to jury? share your thoughts in the comment section.

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