‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: A possible Vote-flip is underway (of course) — Cory is behind it again!

Cemeron and Mecole on Big Brother 25 – CBS

After Felicia set off fireworks at Monday’s Veto meeting on “Big Brother 25,” Tuesday was the opposite. But don’t worry, in true Season 25 fashion, vote-flip discussions started.

Last night on the Feeds we watched as Cory floated a new idea to his allies: flip the vote and send Mecole home instead of Felicia. Here we go, Cory is at it again!

Cory probably still unaware on how close his game came to being sunk earlier this week when Cameron pitched a BD-Cory plan around the house and Jag shut it down. Now here he is trying to shake things up over the planned eviction vote on Thursday for Felicia.

Flashback to 8:14 PM BBT 10/3 to watch Cory pitching to Jag a potential change of plans.

Cory says he wants to get this sorted out tonight but he’s thinking maybe they need to consider the option to switch over and keep Felicia. He thinks this could even be done as a blindside to the rest of the house since they’d just need the four votes (Cory, America, Jag, and Matt). Cory presents this as a move that could put him in the hot seat as he thinks Blue and Felicia would both target him.

Jag isn’t buying it. Remember how he didn’t like that shift in plans on Saturday and Sunday with Cameron’s BD-Cory idea and he’s sticking to the original plan again here. Jag counters Cory saying this is going to be bad for him (Jag) and Matt too.

ALSO READ: Here’s why Cameron decided call off his plan to Backdoor Cory

Move ahead to 8:40 PM BBT to find Cory talking with Matt and soon Jag joins the talk. Cory isn’t finding much support here as Jag and Matt are both concerned that the two of them will be targeted or one of them plus Cory on the Block. They don’t like the idea of blindsiding the other HGs on this one.

Cameron soon joins them in the HN room so Cory and Matt split off to the HOH room while Cameron stays to talk with Jag. Jag lets Cameron know what Cory is up to with considering keeping Felicia. Cameron says Cory has a point, but he (Cameron) does not want Felicia in the Jury House.

Cory continues to work on Matt who eventually agrees it’s a good idea to get rid of Mecole this week, but come on, Matt tends to agree with whoever is talking with him so we’re not giving that agreement a thumbs up. Sure enough, when Matt regroups with Jag it’s a different tune.

Jump ahead to 12:30 AM BBT as Jag and Matt are talking alone in the HN room. Jag is sharing with Matt what Cory has been suggesting (blindsiding Blue and others by voting out Mecole instead). Jag is worried that Cory is trying to frame them for the chaos that would follow. Cameron joins Matt and Jag and he echoes the same sentiment, that this move would benefit Cory and not them.

Rewind a bit to 10:55 PM BBT to find Cory talking with America about this idea of his. Cory admits he is hoping this move would pit Blue against Matt and Jag. Remember Cameron told Cory that it was Blue who pushed for him to be the renom, so Cory has an axe to grind on this one. He and America think it’ll be wise to push for it last minute on Thursday to Matt and Jag, who are not exactly brimming with excitement about this.

Will Cory’s Vote-flip campaign happen?

Don’t expect anything to happen on his flip attempt by Cory — as a matter of fact, the more he pushes the worse off he’ll position himself with Matt & Jag going into the next week. And at this point Cameron already knows and it’s just a matter of time before Matt tells Cirie. Then when Matt & Jag need to they can tell Blue, as if she needed another reason not trust Cory.

Cory is actually stirring the pot that could have consequences on his own game. Felicia is also more or less resigned to go, telling Mr. B that she can’t do it anymore and is tired. Same.

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