‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Here’s why Cameron decided call off his plan to Backdoor Cory

Cameron on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Cameron just cannot be stopped. He won the Veto on Saturday on “Big Brother 25″ — his fifth win of the season — giving him full control over the nominations this week. And just as everyone suspected, his anti-Felicia campaign wasn’t all that it seemed.

After the Veto on Saturday, Cam floated the idea of saving Felicia and backdooring Cory to Matt, who ostensibly was on board. Jag, however, was not, putting the Fugitives at an impasse. Jag knows that if they boot Cory this week, Cam is the target next week, and if he leaves or saves himself (most likely), the target will shift to Jag and Matt before anyone else. He wants the America and Cory showmance as a shield. Technically, Cam doesn’t need Jag’s vote because everyone else but America would be willing to evict Cory. Matt even gave Cirie a heads-up that it might happen and she promised not to say anything.

Cory, meanwhile, for a master debater, seems blissfully oblivious that his game could be over in a couple days. He literally told Cam he feels “comfortable” this week and started looking farther down the road at final four and five. Cam continued to try to strong-arm Jag into the plan and told Matt that he didn’t want to execute the backdoor with Jag, but that Jag’s reluctance was “telling me a lot about him.” It went on like this into the wee hours of Monday morning before Cam finally said maybe they should keep the target on Felicia so he can build trust with Matt and Jag. Matt then chimed in and for the first time said he wants to evict Felicia, so that’s how the backdoor was called off before the Veto meeting. “It’s taking me a lot not to do this. I’ll only do it for y’all,” Cam said, referring to Matt and Jag.

So there was no backdoor plan by the time the houseguest gathered for this week’s Power of Veto ceremony where Cameron decided NOT to use the Veto. Felicia & Mecole are this week’s final noms and we can say the target for now is Felicia but you never know, the HGs may wake up and choose violence.

So who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Share your picks in the comment section below!

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