Big Brother 26 spoilers: JANKIE’s Double Veto twist could shake up Week 9

Leah didn’t make a big move with her nominations on “Big Brother 26,” but that can still change twice over.

Two Vetoes are in play this week thanks to the Jankie World twist. Angela won the real Veto and Leah won the Jankie Veto. The irony of Angela winning her first Veto during one of the rare weeks she’s not on the block after having been saved by someone else’s Veto three times. You can’t write this better. It’s unclear how exactly things will work — whether one has to be used first before activating the other, if there’s a comp involved with the Jankie one — but the power lies with the two people who not in one of the two trios.

Leah held one-on-ones on Sunday, and unlike last week, Kimo started campaigning and explaining why he should stay after rehearsing his talking points with T’Kor. The current plan is for Angela to use her Veto on Kimo and Leah will put up T’Kor in his place next to Rubina. It doesn’t sound like Leah will use her Veto, but who knows.

T’Kor and Chelsie ought to be on the block, but one of them being up is better than nothing. T’Kor could also use a wake-up call with this looming nomination since she’s gotten very, very comfortable not being on the block and has been acting like everyone should be catering to her and Rubina and Kimo and leave them alone. Leah has casually warned T’Kor that she might go up but doesn’t think she’ll be evicted, but with how things have gone this season, she ought to be worried.

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