Big Brother 26 episode 11 live recap: Who did America nominate, and who was evicted tonight?

Heading into the 11th episode of “Big Brother 26,” Veto winner Tucker Des Lauriers had just decided to save the house’s target, Angela Murray, with his power, so Head of Household Cedric Hodges had to nominate a third person for eviction. He decided on Makensy Manbeck, and she promptly used her “America’s Veto” power upgrade, which meant viewers got to choose whom to nominate alongside Tucker and Kenney Kelley. So how did it all play out on Thursday night?

Read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother 26,” Episode 11 live recap to find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT….

Here are the names of the 14 remaining houseguests: Angela MurrayBrooklyn RiveraCam Sullivan-BrownCedric HodgesChelsie BahamJoseph RodriguezKenney KelleyKimo ApakaLeah PetersMakensy ManbeckQuinn MartinRubina BernabeT’kor Clottey and Tucker Des Lauriers.

Keep refreshing/reloading this “Big Brother 26” live blog for the most recent updates.

8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 10th episode, the Power of Veto competition took place in the backyard, with Tucker claiming victory. Tucker tried to convince HOH Cedric to nominate Quinn in his place (since Quinn was lying to everyone about his power upgrade), but Cedric chose to nominate Makensy instead to flush out her “America’s Veto” power. It’s time to find out who America nominated in Makensy’s place — let’s go!

8:06 p.m. – In a flashback we got to see that Cedric warned Tucker they didn’t have the votes to take Quinn out, but that didn’t stop Tucker from saving himself. Despite that, Tucker’s ire at Cedric remained and he declared them enemies going forward. Cedric said that the more he thought about Tucker’s plan, the less good he thought it was good for his game and so he ended up telling his Pentagon alliance about it. The alliance thanked him for telling them and confirmed for him that he’ll have the numbers to back him up in the fallout of the decision.

8:08 p.m. – Makensy said that what tripped her up and caused her to use her power instead of staying on the block was that Tucker took Angela off the block instead of himself. Because Makensy wanted to know about Tucker’s declaration that it wasn’t the plan for her to go up, Cedric brought the house together for a meeting so that Tucker could tell everyone. Tucker let everything out, including throwing out a lot of names about how Quinn’s power got exposed to him, and got Quinn to admit to it as well. Quinn tried to say that he didn’t want to use his power, but Angela and Tucker were not buying it. To add insult to injury, he saw it as bad timing in the event that he gets thrown on the block by America’s Vote and the house feels threatened enough to evict him.

8:16 p.m. – With America’s Vote looming, Brooklyn was confused why Quinn never opened up to The Pentagon about his secret power, but she also understood that he’d be able to use it to their advantage. Quinn explained to Cedric that they shouldn’t doubt his loyalty to them despite the secret he kept.

8:20 p.m. – When Tucker and Cedric tried to find an understanding, they failed. Tucker denied that Cedric ever told him they didn’t have the votes and Cedric refused to let Tucker say that he blindsided him. Tucker said that he allowed Cedric to use him as an ally so that he wouldn’t have to get his hands dirty and that he’s coming for him next week. Tucker thought he has the numbers to keep him in the house even if he doesn’t win A.I. Arena, but that was laughable to Cam and Chelsie who were also in the room and are bigger allies of Cedric.

8:22 p.m. – With over 5 million votes cast, Julie revealed to the house that the replacement nominee named by America’s Veto was Quinn Martin.

8:28 p.m. – For this week’s A.I. Arena, the three nominees competed in “Data Dump” where they had to collect red balls flying around in an air chamber. The first player to collect all 20 red balls in their tube would save themselves from the block as the winner. Right away, Tucker was the first to collect more than five red balls and then expanded his lead to over 15 before theater two could gather five. Tucker easily won this comp once again and fulfilled his promise to save himself from the block and leave his biggest target, Quinn, on the block.

8:39 p.m. – In a last plea to the house, Quinn reminded everyone that any of them could have been in his position and committed himself to putting Tucker on the block next week “guaranteed.” Kenney gave a more heartfelt speech directed at his family back home and essentially gave them permission to do what’s best for their own games.

8:42 p.m. – In the diary room, the votes were cast live: Tucker voted to evict Quinn, T’Kor voted to evict Kenney, Angela voted to evict Kenney, Chelsie voted to evict Kenney…

8:48 p.m. – … Makensy voted to evict Kenney, Brooklyn voted to evict Kenney, Rubina voted to evict Kenney, Cam voted to evict Kenney, Kimo voted to evict Kenney, Joseph voted to evict Kenney, and Leah voted to evict Kenney. By a vote of 10 to 1, Kenney was the third person evicted from the game.

8:56 p.m. – Julie asked Kenney to be honest if he’s relieved to be evicted and he confidently said yes. He explained that he underestimated how much he’d miss his family despite being a big fan that auditioned for the show for years. He thinks he would have been a different kind of player five years ago, but at this point in his life he feels differently about being away from his family. He also admitted that Matt’s eviction made it more tough because they bonded.

That’s it, The third eviction of the season has wrapped and we’re onto Week 4. We don’t expect results here during the show so we’ll be watching the Feeds overnight for all the spoilers and results ahead.

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