Big Brother 26 spoilers: The Week 3 HOH doesn’t know who to nominate for the third spot

At some point in between Angela still thanking everyone for not evicting her on “Big Brother 26″ on Thursday, the HOH comp was played — and Cedric won.

It’s kind of cool that the mascots during Week 1 have won back-to-back HOHs even though neither really needed to as Cedric and Chelsie are in good positions in the house. Almost immediately afterward, Makensy told Cedric about her power but lied about its details, most notably withholding that America would choose the renom if she used it. Don’t worry, though, because Tucker later told Cedric that Makensy lied and that America makes the renom, and said that she should go on the block. Tucker also told Joseph that Quinn, not Lisa, had the second power. Pretty soon the entire house will know about Quinn’s power.

Cedric is planning on nominating Angela “on principle” and Kenney depending on if he still wants to go home. Well, on this day, Kenney does. During their one-on-one, Kenney said he wants to leave because his head’s not right and then confessed that he’s not a food truck driver. Cedric correctly clocked that he’s a cop. Again, will Kenney feel differently on Friday? He’s been flip-flopping on staying and leaving, but if he really wants to leave, he should just self-evict.

So Angela and Kenney are for sure going on the block. Cedric wanted Joseph to be a pawn, but he obviously refused. Cedric is torn between Leah and Rubina for the third spot. He told Joseph that he doesn’t want to nominate Makensy because he’s unsure about how her power fully works and he doesn’t want to nominate more people than he has to. You won’t, bro; America would.

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