Big Brother 26 spoilers: The Lisa, Angela saga

Is the first week of Big Brother 26 worthy of being in the history books? At this point, it is gravitating towards that wonderful distinction and we say that even with us relying on half-truths and only partial live feeds at this point.

One of the wild things at this point is that so little of the drama pertains to the eviction vote, mostly because it is settled that depending on what happens with the AI Arena twist later in the week, either Kenney or Matt will leave and Kimo is 100% safe. At least Kenney is now vowing to try hard to win the upcoming competition, which is the lowest of low bars someone can set. From purely a standpoint of chaos, it’s best if he goes, Matt stays, and we see the continuation of the Matt – Angela saga that is allowing us to feast as a live-feeders.

Now, speaking of feasts, let’s get to the saga of celebrity chef Lisa, who seems to be annoying a good percentage of the house with her cooking. Everyone is tired of the edible glitter, and also at times her personality. She doesn’t have too many super-close friends and her personality turns hot and cold. The same goes with her relationship with Angela. First, Angela nominates her. Then, Angela tries to say she’s the only person in the game she can lean on. Then, they are arguing. Now, Lisa tells her that both personally and professionally (?), she is not someone she wants to associate with inside or outside the house. This is one of the most wild and insulting things we can imagine saying to someone’s face, basically saying “you’re not good enough for me.” Of course, feeds cut out before we could see this continue.

Angela and Lisa then had their first of two (?) convos. Honestly, who knows because the feeds kept cutting and denying us the content. Their first convo was mild, but the second one, which was blocked, was when all the fireworks happened. Apparently Lisa brought Quinn into it and later apologized to him. According to Angela’s recap, the fight ended with Angela calling Lisa Tinker Bell and telling her to “go and sprinkle your fairy dust.” Her only regret is not coming up with something better.


It feels like neither of them has the social aptitude for the game and will be gone soon.

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